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    Description: From Student Council and Honor Society to sororities and fraternities, all organizations would be chaos if not for its club officers. Club officers have the responsibility of making sure the day-to-day activities of the organization run smoothly. Find out what peronality traits are necessary to be a club officer. Also, discover the responsibilities of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and historan. Find out about the intricacies if club life and see if you have what it takes to become an officer.
    Price: $59.95
    Copyright: ©2004
    Format: 1 DVD
    Length:25 minutes
    UPC:69394 0199936
    Learning Objectives: 1) Students will learn about the office of the president and the duties this person is expected to perform.
    2) The office and duties of the vice-president will be explored.
    3) Students will find out the qualifications and duties of the club secretary.
    4) The treasurer's duties and qualifications will be explained.
    5) The office of the historian will be examined along with his or her qualifications and duties.
    6) Club committees and their roles will be discussed.

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    Special Features:
    Region Free

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