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Study Guide Questions

1.     Insects, crabs, and spiders are all arthropods. True or False?
2.     The word, "arthropoda," means "jointed legs" in Latin. True or False?
3.     The hard, outside part of an arthropod is called an "exoskeleton". True or False?
4.     Spiders are insects. True or False?
5.     A larva is a young insect that closely resembles an adult of the same species. True or False?
6.     Insects have compound eyes that see sharp images. True or False?
7.     Insects detect odors through their antennae. True or False?
8.     Ants of the same hive recognize one another by odors called "pheromones." True or False?
9.     Orders of insects are usually defined by types of wings and kinds of mouths. True or False?
10.     Caterpillars are the larvae of either ________________________ or _________________________.
11.     Name three kinds of social insects: _____________________, _______________________, and _______________________.
12.     Most insects have _____________ pairs of legs, _____________ pairs of wings, and _______________ main body parts.
13.     Two products made by insects that are useful to humans are __________________________and __________________________.
14.     A single kind of insect, or any other single kind of animal is called a(n) ________________________ .
15.     What is the scientific name for "butterflies and moths?"
16.     What is the scientific name for "beetles?"
17.     What is the scientific name for "ant, bees, and wasps?"
18.     What is the scientific name for "true bugs?"
19.     What is the scientific name for "grasshopper, roaches, and mantises?"
20.     What is the scientific name for "flies and mosquitoes?"
© Educational Video Network, Inc. 2005 - www.evndirect.com
Your leading source for curriculum-based educational videos and DVDs.