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Study Guide Questions

1.     Africa is the world's largest continent. True or false?
2.     The predominant landforms of Africa are plains and _______________________.
3.     Rift valleys are caused by ________________ . a.) volcanic eruptions b.) forces within the earth's surface c.) erosion
4.     Lake Victoria is one of the world's largest salt water lakes. True or false?
5.     What is Africa's highest mountain?
6.     Africa's largest mountainous region is comprised of the _______________ . a.) Ethiopian highlands b.) Atlas mountains c.) Bakossi mountains
7.     What is Africa's largest and most important river?
8.     Why is the Zaire River so important to travelers of the equatorial regions?
9.     What type of vegetation is most common in Africa's tropical rainforests?
10.     Describe the savanna climate.
11.     What are "euphorbia"?
12.     Coniferous forests are common in which of the following areas? a.) plateaus b.) areas of high elevation c.) coastal regions
13.     What is a "steppe"?
14.     The Sahara stretches nearly ________ miles. a.)50 b.)500 c.)5,000
15.     Permanent settlements are not possible in the Sahara. True or false?
16.     Fossilized remains of the earliest members of the genus, Homo, have been found in Africa. True or false?
17.     The earliest humans relied on gathering food because they never developed a system of hunting. True or false?
18.     With the development of agriculture, advanced civilizations began to develop along the _______________ ____________________________ .
19.     Which ancient civilization developed a writing system and made great strides in science, technology, and art?
20.     What led to the establishment of trade routes across the Sahara?
21.     Carthage was founded by the _________________________ in the Ninth Century B.C.
22.     North Africa was part of the Roman Empire for nearly 500 years. True or false?
23.     During the Seventeenth Century, Arabian armies conquered North Africa and established _________________ as the dominant religion.
24.     The Swahili language and culture resulted from the combination of which two peoples?
25.     _____________________navigators were instrumental in exploring trade routes along West Africa's Atlantic coast. a.) Spanish b.) Portuguese c.)English
26.     In the Seventeenth Century, Dutch settlers and French Huguenots laid the foundation for the modern Afrikaner, or ________________ population of South Africa.
27.     During the height of the slave trade, between 1600 and 1800, it is estimated that nearly _________________ _______________ West Africans were sent to the Americas as slaves.
28.     What was the outcome of the Boer War?
29.     What were some of the changes that took place as a result of Africa's colonial period?
30.     Why did white-ruled South Africa break with the British Commonwealth in 1961?
31.     Agriculture plays a very small role in Africa's economy. True or false?
32.     Even today, there is no mechanization involved in African farming. True or false?
33.     Where is the date palm an important dietary staple?
34.     What is the Sahel?
35.     Why do villagers of the Sahel turn the soil, once the rainy season arrives?
36.     Why is the farming of nuts (peanuts, cashews, and etc.) both beneficial and detrimental?
37.     Shifting cultivation occurs when tropical soil loses its _____________________.
38.     The process of rotating crop plots with natural vegetation in a short-term pattern is known as "______________ ___________________ . "
39.     A "_________________ " is a corral made from sticks plastered with mud and cattle dung.
40.     Corn, or maize, was introduced to Africa by _____________________.
41.     How are fibers from the sisal plant used?
42.     The principal export crop of the coconut palm is ____________________________ . a.)palm leaves b.) coconut milk c.) copra
43.     Who are the Bushmen, or San?
44.     How do the Bushmen, or San, get water during the dry season?
45.     Briefly discuss ways in which the people of Africa adapt and adjust their agricultural economy to the ever-changing and often harsh climate.
46.     Even today, despite Africa's improvements in transportation, there are still many settlements that can only be reached by footpaths. True or false?
47.     List two things that have stimulated the growth of cities in Africa.
48.     How important is education to those seeking jobs in the city?
49.     What is the largest city in Africa?
50.     What is a souk?
51.     What are some of the traditional crafts sold at the souk?
52.     Kenya's principal port city is ______________________ . a.) Mombasa b.) Cairo c.) Nairobi
53.     Which Kenyan city developed from a collection of worker's shacks along a railroad?
54.     The city of Dakar in Senegal has been heavily influenced by the culture of _________________? a.) Spain b.) Portugal c.) France d.) England
55.     Cape Town was founded in 1652 by _________________ . a.) Spanish explorers b. ) English businessmen c.) Dutch traders
56.     The South African policy of separating urban residential zones to keep races apart is known as ___________________.
57.     The "Big Hole" is a _____________________________ . a.) diamond mine b.) volcano c.) crater left by a meteorite
58.     What is the largest city of South Africa?
59.     Why was the city of Gabarone founded?
60.     Most North Africans speak Arabic and resemble peoples of the Mediterranean Basin. True or false?
61.     What portion of Africa is referred to as "Black Africa"?
62.     There are at least ______________different languages spoken in Black Africa.
63.     Although many descendants of Dutch, French, and English settlers have remained in Africa, they do not consider themselves to be Africans. True or false?
64.     How have Africans managed to reduce their high infant mortality rate?
65.     In African villages it is common to find several generations of a family occupying one home. True or false?
66.     Why do people of the Sahara carve rooms of their dwellings into the earth?
67.     What types of dwellings are common among nomadic peoples of the desert?
68.     What are bandas?
69.     In nearly all villages, the chief has the same type of house as other members of his tribe. True or false?
70.     The Islamic place of worship is known as a "_______________________ ."
71.     Animists practice traditional religions that place emphasis on human interaction with _______________________.
72.     In animist traditions, religious leadership is provided by a "____________________ ."
73.     There are only two religions in Africa: Islam and Christianity. True or false?
74.     Discuss the importance of music and dance in the lives of the African people.
75.     "Safari" means "_____________________" in Swahili.
76.     In English, the word "safari" means a particular type of journey. True or false?
77.     Due to the vast size of Africa, there has never been a shortage of wildlife, and hunting has had little effect upon the animal population. True or false?
78.     What types of people commonly take part in safaris?
79.     How are Africa's large wild animals (i.e., elephants, rhinos, and etc.) protected from big game hunters?
80.     How do safaris benefit the people of Africa?
81.     Traditionally, Africans have tended to view wildlife as a resource to be used rather than as a heritage to be preserved. True or false?
82.     In most cases, safaris are made on horseback. True or false?
83.     Walking safaris are no longer dangerous and are now encouraged by parks and game reserves. True or false?
84.     What are some of the different types of living options available to people who seek the safari experience?
85.     For what is Kenya's vast Masai Mara National Park famous?
86.     During their summer migrations, the wildebeests are often accompanied by numerous other species of grazing animals. True or false?
87.     The "hartebeest" is a type of zebra. True or false?
88.     "Pride" is a word used to describe a group of _________________ .
89.     What are some of the different types of animals one might see on an African safari?
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