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Study Guide Answers

1.     Who calls the meeting to order?
     the chairman
2.     When should guest speakers appear at a club meeting?
     as soon as possible
3.     What are the club's official records called?
     the minutes
4.     Who is responsible for keeping the club's official records?
     the secretary
5.     Who is responsible for keeping track of the club's money?
     the treasurer
6.     Which is dealt with first at an ideal meeting--unfinished business from the previous meeting or new business?
     unfinished business
7.     The place from which the chairman ( or chairperson ) presides during a meeting is called what?
     the chair
8.     What must happen before a person can speak during a meeting?
     He/she must be recognized by the chair.
9.     Before a motion can be discussed it must be ______________________ .
10.     What motion is never discussed?
     the motion to adjourn
11.     If a club president is unable to preside, who serves as chairman during the meeting?
     the vice-president
12.     The first procedure in electing officers is a call for ________________________ .
13.     How many votes are required to close nominations?
14.     Name two of the three kinds of voting that are illustrated in this video.
     voice vote, show of hands, and ballot
15.     If one person is nominated for an office, is a vote required?
16.     How many people should be appointed to a committee?
     an odd number (workable size)
17.     Who usually appoints the members of a committee? Who appoints the chairman of the committee?
     the club chairman appoints both
18.     Who sets the times for committee meetings?
     the committee chairman
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