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Study Guide Answers

1.     Teutoburger Wald was the site of the ___________ defeat by the Germanic tribes in 9 A.D.
2.     The territory located behind the __________ belonged to the Roman Empire.
3.     ____________ seized the imperial crown in the year 476.
4.     "Charles the Great," or __________________ conquered the pagan Saxons.
5.     He was crowned by Pope Leo III in Rome; in 814 he __________.
6.     What part of his divided lands became the German Empire?
7.     Dukes, called electors, choose kings that were crowned by the __________.
8.     The King's duty was to be the ______________ of the Church using his military strength.
9.     Who increased the food supply through their work in agriculture?
     medieval monks
10.     In the 12th Century, Frederick Barbarossa converted the loose political units of Germany into the "_________ __________ ___________."
     "Holy Roman Empire"
11.     Who succeeded Barbarossa after his death in 1190. a. his brother b. his son c. his grandson
     c. his grandson
12.     What ended the overpopulation problem of the 13th Century?
     "the Black Death," a plague from Asia
13.     The Baltic Sea trade was controlled by the _____________ _____________ ,which was made up of a confederation of northern Germanic cities.
     Haneatic League
14.     What was the largest city during the late Middle Ages?
15.     In 1386, the first university was established in _______________.
16.     Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic priest who posted his ideas for church reform in the town of _____________ .
17.     Martin Luther became the leader of a movement called the ______________ ______________.
     Protestant Reformation
18.     The Peace of Augsburg, in 1555, gave each German leader the right to do what?
     choose which religion would be practiced in his domain
19.     In 1618, a group of Protestants revolted against their oppressive Catholic ruler, causing the beginning of the __________ ________ War.
     Thirty Years
20.     The war ended in 1648 with the Treaty of _______________.
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