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Study Guide Answers

1.     What is an "abbreviation"?
     An abbreviation is a word or phrase that has been shortened for brevity.
2.     What is an "acronym"?
     An acronym is a word formed from the initial letter (or letters) of each of the successive parts of a compound term.
3.     "Hardware" refers to the __________________________________ of a computer.
     physical components
4.     A "________________________" resembles a small television set.
5.     The quality of the image that is generated on a computer monitor is determined by the "___________________________."
     dot pitch
6.     "_________________________" stands for "picture element."
7.     What is the device that is used for entering information, such as numbers or letters, into the computer?
     a keyboard
8.     What is the pointing device that maximizes the benefits of a "graphical user interface"?
     a mouse
9.     What is the "CPU"?
     The CPU, or central processing unit, is where the actual operations of the computer occur.
10.     The main circuit board is also known as the "________________________________."
11.     Your computer will retain the contents of RAM whether it is turned on or off. True or false?
     false/ When the computer is turned off, the contents of RAM are forever lost.
12.     RAM is also called "________________________" or "__________________" memory.
     temporary/ dynamic
13.     Permanent memory can be stored on a ___________________________________.
     hard disk
14.     What links the hard disk to the motherboard?
     the controller
15.     What is "clock speed"?
     "Clock speed" is the speed at which the computer operates.
16.     How is clock speed measured?
     Clock speed is measured in megahertz or gigahertz.
17.     Inkjet printers _____________ the ink, while laser printers ______________the ink.
     spray/ burn
18.     "DPI" means "______________________________________."
     dots per inch
19.     What does a "scanner" do?
     A "scanner" transfers images, such as photographs, into a file on the computer.
20.     What is the difference between a "LAN" and a "WAN"?
     A "LAN" is a local-area network, or a close-proximity network of computers. A "WAN"is a wide-area network, or a network of computers that are not near one another.
21.     Computer programs are an example of __________________________.
22.     "______________________" can damage your computer files.
23.     If someone is "booting" his computer, what is he doing?
     He is starting it up.
24.     What is an "icon"?
     An icon is a small picture that represents a specific task or piece of software.
25.     A "___________________" is a list of options.
26.     When you want to move files from one place to another on your computer screen, you "__________________________________."
     drag and drop
27.     What does "save" allow you to do?
     "Save" allows you to enter files into permanent memory.
28.     A(n) ______________________ helps you to search for information on the Internet.
29.     The smallest unit of information that is understood by a computer is a(n) __________________.
30.     "Cache memory" stores _________________________________________________________.
     frequently-used data or instructions
31.     What is a "floppy disk"?
     A "floppy disk" is a magnetic disk that's used to store data.
32.     _______________________reduces the size of a file without losing the original information.
33.     "CD-ROM" stands for: ________________________________________________________.
     compact disk - read only media
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