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Study Guide Questions

1.     List three places mentioned in this program where inhalants can be found.
2.     Two out of _____________ teenagers see little or no danger in sniffing products that were never intended to be sniffed.
3.     After inhaling a substance, it first enters the lungs and then the bloodstream. It finally travels to the _______________. What does it do once it reaches this location?
4.     How long can these toxic substances stay in the body?
5.     Which organs do most of the work of breaking down toxic substances?
6.     List some of the side effects of using inhalants.
7.     People who use inhalants do not develop a "tolerance" for these toxic substances. True or false?
8.     Most people who abuse inhalants don't die from an overdose, they suffocate. True or false?
9.     Inhalants can cause rapid and irregular heartbeats that can lead to cardiac arrest. True or false?
10.     What is the term used to describe abrupt death from inhalants?
11.     Discuss the signs of inhalant abuse that are mentioned in this program.
12.     Making up an excuse is a good way to say no to inhalants and to other drugs. True or false?
13.     Why should you plan ahead of time what you are going to say to someone who offers you drugs?
14.     After watching this program, can you think of other places where inhalants can be found?
15.     Why do you think so many teenagers abuse inhalants?
© Educational Video Network, Inc. 2005 - www.evndirect.com
Your leading source for curriculum-based educational videos and DVDs.