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Study Guide Answers

1.     Is it true that listening to music or learning to play a musical instrument can make you smarter?
2.     Studying music also helps you to become more physically __________.
3.     What is the language of music called?
     music basics
4.     List the seven letters that make up the musical alphabet.
     A, B, C, D, E, F, and G
5.     The eight note distance from one A to the next A is called an __________.
6.     The sound that each key makes is called a __________.
7.     The seven letters mentioned in question #4 are used to name the black keys, but they are called either __________ or __________.
     sharps, flats
8.     A __________ raises a note to the next higher note; a ___________ lowers the note to the next lower note.
     sharp, flat
9.     Two eighth notes equal one __________ note in time value.
10.     A dot following a note increases the note's value by __________-__________.
11.     __________ lines are used to distinguish each measure.
12.     A __________ is a series of tones that are played at the same time.
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